Making the restoration of the European legacy a lever for professional, social and civic inclusion
ACTA VISTA opens up to Europe with the conviction that the issues of inclusion in the actual market, professional training and heritage preservation are challenges faced by many countries in Europe and around the Mediterranean basin.
The Eramus+ project – HERO – Heritage Ecological Renovation for inclusion Opportunities – is the result of a transnational cooperation between Pour la Solidarité (Belgium), Dragodid (Croatia), Boulouki (Greece), BAO Formation (France) and ACTA VISTA (France, lead partner), within the framework of a European Erasmus+ funding from December 2021 to September 2024.
This project aims to improve the training of trainers in the built heritage restoration sector, specifically around the inclusion of vulnerable people and more environmentally friendly restoration. The HERO project will help to:
ACTA VISTA has obtained the accreditation for Erasmus+ mobility 2021-2027. This support from the European Union allows us to carry out European mobility of staff and employees in integration every year. These trips are unique opportunities to create links with European and Mediterranean organisations, discover new good practices and enrich our model.
ACTA VISTA wishes to develop a network of actors in Europe and in the Mediterranean basin interested in integration, training and heritage restoration because we are convinced of the relevance of this alliance.
We are supported by many partners including Europa Nostra, CoPam (Co-developing Heritage in the Mediterranean), Med-NC Réseau Méditerrannée Nouvelle Chance and the European Union.
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ACTA VISTA is an association of the Groupe SOS
Fort d’Entrecasteaux
1, bd Charles Livon 13007 Marseille France
Phone : +33 (0)4 91 72 79 00
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